Chinese food in Madrid: Jin Jin Restaurant

The Jin Jin restaurant is one of the places I usually recommend when someone asks me where you can go for good, nice and cheap Chinese food in the Spanish capital.

It is a simple restaurant, located a few streets from Plaza España and has a fairly large menu that is separated into 2: the first half is Chinese food for Chinese and the second half is Chinese food for Spaniards. Needless to say, the first half is the funniest.

Al restaurant Jin Jin I discovered it in carambola . I was looking for a place called "The King of Tagliatelle", which turned out to be almost next to this nice place, and nothing, I looked at it, I smiled, I smiled, and there was a heart. A few days later I went back to eating and everything was even better than I expected.

restaurant jin jin madrid

When you arrive at the Jin Jin restaurant, the first thing you have, on the left is the minimum kitchen, always in action, from where aromas emerge and the classic sound of the wok is heard when you are sautéing with a spoon. metal. For me that's as pleasant as listening Vivaldi.

Towards the bottom are the tables, with nothing special about the set, some paintings that make reference to China and a TV with Chinese music videos.


Previously the restaurant Jin Jin was a place where they ate pure Asians and some curious Spaniards, now the proportion has changed (and possibly that's why the letter is divided into 2). You can find many young Spaniards talking excitedly while they taste, noodles, grilled empanadas and maybe some chicken or veal dish with vegetables. They do not dare much to invent.

restaurant jin jin noodles

Los Chinese who eat at the Jin Jin, and Chinese food enthusiasts like me, yes you will see them asking for white rice, eggplant, grilled empanadas (they are delicious) and some rarity like duck tongue, or pork entrails in sauce.

eggplants jin jin

One of the best things about Jin Jin restaurant is how cheap it can be. If you do not have money and you go alone, for less than 5 euros you eat a soup soup with stuffed empanadas that will not fit you, or some noodles that bring everything. And if you go as a group, you can order several portions, share, and finish each one paying as € 7.

What to eat at Jin Jin Restaurant

My recommendations from the letter? Aubergines, grilled empanadas, tofu with millennial egg or spicy tofu, although I prefer white rice, here they make a rice sautéed with Chinese mustard that is incredible.


And if you like soups ask for a plate of soup with noodles, or the one I mentioned that has empanadas (from the same as steamed).

Jin Jin restaurant location: San Bernardino Street 1, near the Plaza España metro and Gran Vía metro.

In front of the Jin Jin there is another fun Chinese: the Wang Wang, of which I speak in this post:

  • Wang Wang Restaurant

In the south from Madrid, in the Usera district is one of the best places to eat Chinese, here I tell you:

  • Royal Cantonese Chinese Restaurant

This You may be interested: Here is my guide so you know what to eat in a Chinese restaurant.

